Free by Fake Note
against the challenges and unexpected circumstances that make working conditions difficult or impossible. Of course you can't always plan your absence, not all excuses are acceptable. Taking into account valid reasons so as not to affect your reputation. And if you have an urgent need to be absent from work, always make sure you communicate it directly to your boss in a professional manner. The reason that ensures you don't negatively impact your reputation when asking for an unplanned time off is to be honest about the problem you're having "Sorry if I can't come to work I feel bored and need refreshment" This is a heavy honesty that will have an impact on your career, because because of your boss's annoyance you will be asked "What do you use your holiday for" "You are not professional" and many inquisitive questions that make your boss trust less you. If honesty that is not reasonable please make up excuses so you can be absent...